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Thanks so much Roel


Thanks so much Roel...


At the same line you should add "<br>{$evt['xf1]}" just before the "\n" at the end.


Thank you so much Roel....It worked perfectly.  What would i need to add to see the extra field 1 that I named LOCATION


Okay, here we go . . .
Edit the file "views/month.php" and replace line 46:

echo "{$chBox}<span {$onClick}{$popAttr}>{$dTime} {$evt['tix']}\n";


echo "{$chBox}<span {$onClick}{$popAttr}>{$dTime} {$evt['tix']}<br>{$evt['ven']}\n";

Now you will see the venue on a second line for all events in month view.
If you want the venue to be shown on the same line as the title, replace the "<br>" by a space character.


I would like that modification as well, Roel.  Thanks.


Roel, yes that would be great.  Thank you


Hi there,
If what Dan writes is not good enough, I can send you a simple change to two or three files to add the venue to the time and description, but it will be a modification for you only. So you will have to be careful when upgrading the calendar in the future.
Let me know if you want the modification.


In each of the views when you hover over the item with your mouse it shows the details of the venue etc.



Is there a way to show the venue in the month,day, week views along with the time and description?

LuxCal Web Calendar → Need Help → Show venue → Post new reply