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LuxCal Web Calendar → Suggestions → Options Button → Post new reply

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Hi Greg,
Ha ha, some people need more words than others smile
I actually have a lot of sympathy for your suggestion. I will analyze the impact and, if not too complicated, I will do it.
This however requires a change of the database table "groups" and therefore I can't send you a fix for this. So I will include this change in the next calendar version.


Hi Roel,

Yes, moving those options to the User Group page would, indeed, provide just the functionality I would want.

Why couldn't I have expressed it as simply as that! smile


Hi Greg,

On the admin's Settings page, under Navigation bar, . . .
- with "Options panel menus" (2nd item) you can specify which menus are available in the Options panel; if all menus have been unchecked, the Options Panel button is not available.
- with "Available calendar views" (3rd item) you can specify which calendar views are available for public users and identified users
- with "View buttons on navigation bar" (4th item) you can specify which view buttons (e.g. Month, Week, etc.) are displayed on the navigation bar for public and identified users..
So if for instance you don't want to see the Options Panel button, you can uncheck all Option Panel menus and specify that instead e.g. a "Year", "Month" and "Week" button is displayed.

So, if I'm correct, the only thing you are asking is to have these settings not on the admin's Settings page, but on the User Group page, so that these settings can differ per user group. Am I correct?



Schwartz wrote:

This is possible today

Just to clarify :

You can specify what views should be available in the option-button.

That I am aware of. But if you have the "Options" button displayed then it makes the default set of Year, Month, Week and Day buttons redundant. There's no point in confusing people with two ways of accessing the same views.

(Yes, I know you could regard the four View buttons as a one-click alternative to opening the Options dialogue and then selecting your desired View, but I suspect that most casual Viewers of a calendar would prefer the four View buttons and no Options button, because currently there appears no way to remove all the additional, and for them pointless, options from the Options dialogue.)

However, if I remove the "Options" button, then it is gone for all users logged in or not and clearly for those who are calendar Maintainers rather than just viewers, there are some very helpful, even essential, options there.

You can even specify what views should be available for public and what should be available for logged-in.

That too I understand and I expect to take advantage of that facility.

AND you can also specify what menus ( calendar ( for multi calendar), views,groups,users,categories and language) should be available.

All excellent stuff for complex needs, but not where it is important to keep the interface as simple as possible for naive users who just want to check when the next meeting of their group is to be held and which is the venue for that meeting.

I assume that you want a setting for the menus for public ( no menu checked=no option button shown )  and a setting for menus for logged-in - right?


I also want the ability to show/not show any of the three columns "Views", "User Groups" and "Categories" on the "Options" dialogue.

That way, as an Administrator, you have the ability to decide whether to use the four View buttons on the Navigation Bar and not show the options Button, for users who only need to view the calendar.

Then, if your calendar is more complex, for those who only need to view the calendar without logging in, you might want to remove the Four View buttons from the navigation bar and replace them with the single "Options" button, but the dialogue that appears will probably only need to display the "Views" and "Categories" columns. (The User Groups column only seems relevant to calendar maintainers and senior ones at that! As a junior maintainer you probably don't need to worry about any user groups, just know that you have permission to add events at a particular venue or for a particular type of meeting.)

Finally, we consider the needs of those who help in maintaining the calendar (and I expect to have lots of them). They might have need to see the "User Groups" as well as the "Categories" column on the Options dialogue as a way of checking what else has been arranged in the organisation before they pick the date and venue for their activity.


NorfolkGreg wrote:

Can the default behaviour of LuxCal be changed so that by default, in Public Access, mode the "Options" button does not appear on the Navigation Bar.

Further, can options be added so that it is possible to select which of the three columns on the Options dialogue appear when the dialogue is opened.

This is possible today

Just to clarify :

You can specify what views should be available in the option-button. You can even specify what views should be available for public and what should be available for logged-in.

AND you can also specify what menus ( calendar ( for multi calendar), views,groups,users,categories and language) should be available.
But for the menus you cannot specify what menu available for public and what menu available for logged-in.

I assume that you want a setting for the menus for public ( no menu checked=no option button shown )  and a setting for menus for logged-in - right?


Currently, there is no control that allows you to customise the appearance of the "Options" dialogue, other than whether to show it all.

There must be many calendars where the ability to switch between Year, Month and Day views are all that is needed by the vast majority of users who will only need the default Public Access view.

For these, the default set of buttons that control the "Year", "Month", "Week" and "Day" views of the calendar will be all that is needed.

For them the Options dialogue offer a meaningless set of "User Groups" options, and, for most, an additional set of "Views" that will have little benefit. I accept there may be more that would want to filter a busy calendar a "Category".

Can the default behaviour of LuxCal be changed so that by default, in Public Access, mode the "Options" button does not appear on the Navigation Bar.

Further, can options be added so that it is possible to select which of the three columns on the Options dialogue appear when the dialogue is opened.

I imagine there are many calendars where it would be useful to filter the calendar view by categories, even for Public Access users, but the other columns only need to be displayed for those who contribute to the maintenance of the calendar.

LuxCal Web Calendar → Suggestions → Options Button → Post new reply