Calendar Demos
The LuxCal demonstration calendars hereafter have a limited number of functions available to play around with. Visitors can add, edit and delete events, but have no administrator rights.
The LuxCal calendar can be used in the following ways, as demonstrated below:
The demonstration calendars below use the same calendar database. Consequently changes in one of the calendars will be reflected in all demonstration calendars (after refreshing the page).
The link below will open a new page with the full independent LuxCal calendar. You can also browse directly to the LuxCal demo calendar via the following link: When you are using your mobile device, the calendar will automatically adjust it's pages to a small-size display.
Don't hesitate to add events to the demonstration calendar and to edit and/or delete you own added events.
Visitors have no admin rights. If you want us to change some calendar settings however, contact us via the Contact Us page and let us know what you would like us to change and when you will come back to see the change(s).
Below you can see the LuxCal demo calendar embedded in the current page. It has the same functionality as the full independent LuxCal calendar above, but its height and width are set by the parent web page (this page).
By adding certain parameters to the URL link of the calendar, it is also possible to display one specific calendar page, e.g. Upcoming Events, or to display the calendar without top bar and navigation bar, so that visitors can not change the view, the language, etc.
All possibilities are explained in the calendar's Installation Guide, which is included in the download package.
The mini calendar below is displayed with a width of 300px, which allows for at least three event squares next to each other in one day cell.
In the header of this mini calendar the user can select a previous or next month, by clicking ◄ or ► respectively. The user can also click the name of the month in the header to open a new window with the full calendar.
Like in the full-size calendar, hovering over events (squares) will trigger a popup box with all event details. If the event text fits, it will be displayed inside the mini calendar's inline frame.
The mini calendar uses the same settings as the full-size calendar. Consequently the user interface language and formats (date format, time format, etc.) of the mini calendar can be configured by the calendar administrator and are identical to the user interface language and formats of the full-size calendar.
In addition, the administrator can choose between Full Month view or Work Month view, showing work days only, and can enable or disable event posting for the mini calendar. When enabled, visitors can add, edit and delete events without opening the full-size calendar, which makes it a powerful interactive tool.
In this demonstration mini calendar event posting is enabled. You can add events by clicking the corresponding day cells and you can edit and delete events by clicking on the event square. Try it! Once you have added, edited or deleted an event, the change will be reflected directly in the mini calendar
The LuxCal mini calendar uses it's own separate styles and color scheme and consequently the user interface can be styled independently from the full-size calendar.
These Upcoming Events or To-do list sidebars are displayed via a <div>-tag and can be fully tailored to your needs. They show upcoming public events or events requiring action from your normal LuxCal calendar, grouped per date and for each event the time and title are displayed. If enabled by the calendar administrator, URLs in the event description (if any) will be displayed as hyperlinks just below the corresponding event and further event details will pop up when hovering an event with the mouse. For the To-do list events will have an interactive check box which can be (un)checked.
Example side bars
In the right sidebar the events are filtered on event category "birthday" and in the left sidebar birthdays have been excluded. Both sidebars use the same calendar database.
All characteristics of the sidebar can be customized via a separate styles sheet (CSS), independently from the full-size calendar. For instance the sidebar can be positioned on an absolute location overlaying other elements on the web page, or it can be integrated in the normal flow of elements. The size, the colors and the fonts can be changed. On the admin's Settings page the following can be specified:
• the number of days to look ahead for events in the sidebar
• whether further event details should pop-up (in the LuxCal way) when the user hovers an event
• if URLs from the event description (if any) should be displayed as hyperlinks in the sidebar
For these demonstration sidebars, the number of days to look ahead has been set to 21 and both other options have been enabled.
The title and the style of the sidebar can be set per sidebar and the events in the sidebar can be filtered on event category and/or user ID. This allows for more than one sidebar per site, each with its own title and a different list of upcoming events or To-do list.
The sidebar uses the same settings as the full-size calendar. Consequently the user interface language and formats (date format, time format, etc.) of the sidebar can be configured by the calendar administrator and are identical to the user interface language and formats of the full-size calendar.
Both demonstration sidebars use the same event database as the other demonstration calendars above; so changes in the calendars above are directly reflected in these sidebar (after refreshing the page).